
Showing posts from April, 2017

lord of the flies ch 10

the next day piggy and jack wake up and meet at on the beach and are both bruised and ashamed of being part of murdering Simon. piggy shies away from the truth about being part of simons death but ralph just says that they did it and added to his death. most of the tribe has moved to jacks side besides some littluns and sam n eric ralph and piggy. over by castle rock jack is ruling with all of the power. their seeing of the beast is much different than piggy and ralph they think simon was actually the beast. they are also playing to still the fire so jacks tribe will have fire.

diary #8

Dear diary   So a recap of yesterday is that we found the beast but I wasn't scared but all of the other boys were. All of the boys were in a uproar about it especially annoying little piggy because he was not their. I still think if I was the chief we wouldn't be having  theses problems. I called a meeting today with the conch. I told everyone the truth about Ralph and how he was a coward and how we should over throw him and his leadership. the kids started to agree with me and might be able to have enough people to make another tribe.                                                                                                                                       The other boys didn't vote for it to happen but I'm getting close. I started my own group from Ralph and piggy. I got many people in the night for my group. We also were able to catch another pig but just for my group. we had a huge feast and if more people hear about it maybe

diary #7

dear diary, so to day we are investigating for the beastie still but we have stopped for lunch. some of the boys are starting to see the ocean as a wall that they can never go through. so we see some pig droppings so I suggested to go hunting again for the pig. this works out for me because I get to kill two beasts. they agreed to hunting the pig and this will also make ralph realize why hunting is so important. so far ralph has done a good job but he is never allowed back hunting. he actual hit the pig but it is just extra compaction for the kill and i didn't even hurt the beastie. I also got injured when the beastie go me with his tusks.  Any way today has been productive we had fun acting out the pig hunt again. Ralph and I really connected but he is still getting on my nerves and piggy not being their was very good I wasn't annoyed every five seconds.

lord of the flies summary ch 9

so in the story chapter nine you follow simon around. in the story simon finds the fighter pilot and then throws up and faints. then he goes and try's to tell the other members. when he was walking their he fell and tripped and the others were on a pig hunt and ran over their and killed him. later that night simon and the fighter pilot left the island.

diary #6

dear diary, So Sam and Eric saw the beastie this morning and were almost scared half to death. they ran back to the camp and woke up ralph and then ralph called for a meeting again. These meetings are getting annoying. the twins told everyone in the meeting that the beast assaulted them. so we get a group party to together and search for the beastie. I got to lead the group which was probably the best decision that was made from the meeting. we sent ralph to go investigate alone the parts that know one has gone. ralph and I have been getting along we are bonding I dislike him a little less now. then he had to ruin it and remind people that they are hunting the beast again but I can over look it for now as long as I get to kill it.

diary #5

dear diary, hello again its me jack so today ralph went for a walk and we don't know were he went but he will come back. when he comes back he calls another meeting. this meeting was the worst thing he could have done. he had this meeting to tell everyone that he is enforcing the rules and  everyone started to revolt and become angry towards him. this is good for me because I will be able to convince everyone that I should be the leader and get rid of ralph and piggy. In the meeting one of the littluns bring up the fact that he has seen the beast again. I promised him that my hunters and I will hunt it down. they start going talking about it again and they panic from  talking about it and start running away. piggy had a stupid idea of calling them back which just would have been redundant and no one would have returned. ralph has been very mad about the meeting he had called. he is thinking about no longer carrying the group and relinquish his leadership. the littluns


every thing in the world has a deeper meaning. in "the lord of the flies" their are many symbols for example the beast  represents fear. this also come in may different forms the littluns  have the fear of being stuck her with some beast. many people don't believe in any of it but the main person that shows you what it represents is simon and how that it is something they created from fear and anger of being on this island. if you go deeper the one person that isn't scared of it is simon because he is able to face it but the other kids just try to block it out but they still think about it. another example is fire and that stands for the hope they have of getting of the island. when it goes out so does their hope of getting of the island. you can see this very clearly from the way ralph and piggy lash out jack. then when jack finds out he also lashes out which can be the fact they yelled at him but I think its also because he gave up hope as well. simon also

diary #4

dear diary, hello again it has been a while. I have been good on the island we have started to get a routine down which is very good for production. the littluns haven't do much they just goof of but I don't care because it is survival of the fits. they are still scared of some beastie  I told them I would kill it if I could find it or  if  its even real. they have been getting sick lately from the fruit they eat to much of it I think its a waste 0f food but simon has been helping them so I wont say anything. I camouflaged myself and went hunting for the pig again and when I came back I was yield at for doing my job which is hunting. ralph yelled at me because the fire went out and their was a boat which would have been a waste of time. I don't think any one has realized we aren't getting out of here but if they want to waste me and my hunters time then let them. I am starting to find piggy annoying and ralph is a terrible leader he doesn't enforce anything ex


everyone believe and sees in different things that are the same. in lord of the flies everyone has been talking about some beastie. the littiluns think its a snake ralph thinks its there imagination. piggy can not believe in it because of a scientific stand point. jack doesn't acre about it he just wants to get meat and kill a pig. Simon who is the closes to what I think believes they created it in side of them through fear and anger. I believe that everyone created as almost a fall switch. I believe this because they had to create some image or problem with the island so they don't fall to a new society and have a reason to want to get off the island. so out of fear of liking the island they created a beastie of some sort that will haunt them on till they get off the island.  

diary #3

dear diary hello it me again so today was fun I almost caught the pig. once again I was yield at by ralph over a shelter we need meat everyone says it. they both have to go I should be the leader but I can tell they will fall just by their own doing and then I will be the new leader. I only think these things because of how they are leading all of us. they showed be getting meat for more energy so we can work and they will be more loyal to them. I have tried to help but they wont listen to me. you can also see the other boys are starting to not trust ralph any more. in other note Simon has walked off we haven't able to find him. he had left while ralph and my self were arguing. while we were looking for Simon myself and ralph made up and went for a swim and decide that Simon was with the little ones taking care f them and making sure they are ok.

diary #2

dear diary, hello so today their was another meeting and it was about how we are all on a island and their are no adults. I have become the head of the hunters and I will be hunting that pig because everyone wants meat. ralph keeps disagreeing with me and it is very annoying and i am starting to believe i should have been the leader but they all voted for him. The other kids are very scared and the meeting that ralph had with everyone made it and the hunters have been going after the pig and we have become very close I think if we can get some barb wire we will kill it. I also think its been hiding up in the mountain. piggy also think s that we can still get off this island if we build a fire but I already know their is no point. the litluns are scared of some beastie and look up to ralph but I already know that ralph thinks they are useless. so me and my hunters were forced to grab wood instead of hunting so I'm upset about that because I have to wait to get that be