diary #4

dear diary,

hello again it has been a while. I have been good on the island we have started to get a routine down which is very good for production. the littluns haven't do much they just goof of but I don't care because it is survival of the fits. they are still scared of some beastie  I told them I would kill it if I could find it or  if  its even real. they have been getting sick lately from the fruit they eat to much of it I think its a waste 0f food but simon has been helping them so I wont say anything.

I camouflaged myself and went hunting for the pig again and when I came back I was yield at for doing my job which is hunting. ralph yelled at me because the fire went out and their was a boat which would have been a waste of time. I don't think any one has realized we aren't getting out of here but if they want to waste me and my hunters time then let them.

I am starting to find piggy annoying and ralph is a terrible leader he doesn't enforce anything except for when I want to go hunting. then piggy just repeats what he says and tries to get in my face that fat little pig needs to back of or ill make him. some good news is at least we were able to return with some meat. when had a part sang song of how we killed and how will do it again. while we were having a fun time with are meat piggy had to make it al about him and complained about he didn't get no meat lets go see him go hunt one. I put him in his place but at the cost of a fire starter it was worth it.


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