conch shell

The conch symbolizes the society that they are trying to hold onto. This is important because as the boys go on they and loss part of their society they are able to hold onto it by the conch.  Whoever is talking is using the conch and no one is allowed to interrupt anyone, ralph also uses it to call a assemble. It is used during every meeting and they hold onto it and it tells everyone else to pay attention. This is what the conch shell symbolizes for and how it is used to keep the boys society.


  1. I understood the symbolism of the conch shell very well. The picture helped me understand it a lot. It made the blog post better because the photo is very entertaining.

  2. Great understanding of the conch shell and the symbolism of it. yes the picture did help it made the blog a little more interesting then if i was just words. Great job all together.

  3. great job symbolizing the conch. the picture helped me understand it better. I did not notice any spelling mistakes, great job.

  4. Good job using symbolism for the conch. Great job with the spelling.


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