
every thing in the world has a deeper meaning. in "the lord of the flies" their are many symbols for example the beast  represents fear. this also come in may different forms the littluns  have the fear of being stuck her with some beast. many people don't believe in any of it but the main person that shows you what it represents is simon and how that it is something they created from fear and anger of being on this island. if you go deeper the one person that isn't scared of it is simon because he is able to face it but the other kids just try to block it out but they still think about it.

another example is fire and that stands for the hope they have of getting of the island. when it goes out so does their hope of getting of the island. you can see this very clearly from the way ralph and piggy lash out jack. then when jack finds out he also lashes out which can be the fact they yelled at him but I think its also because he gave up hope as well. simon also has to leave and clear his mind and get back on track when the fire goes out which is a lost of hope.

the face paint represents the savagery of everyone who has lost hope and has become more animal like. you see this mainly in jack and how he pts on the face paint and it blocks and part of being a human of society. you csan also see this in some of the other hunter and how they change from normal boys that are polite and kind to being savages that don't listen to anyone but jack.


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