lord of the flies diary

 dear diary,

Hello my name is jack and today I will be expressing what happened today to my life. I am on a plane going home because they were evacuating us from boarding school due to the war when the plane I was on split in half and me and my choirs landed on a island. Their are many survivors most of my choir lived but their are no adults. We were called to the beach by a loud horn nose and it was the other survivors. Their is another boy and his name is ralph and I think he wants to be leader but we all know I should. His friend piggy is also very annoying and I think they are planning against me. So we had a vote for leader ralph won. They all want to know if were on a island so ralph my best friend Simon and myself all go check it out and we see a beast but it runs away. I swear to kill that beast for food and that was my day.

 sincerely, jack


  1. You did an excellent job I could tell which character you picked. This reminded of when Jack got mad that he didn't get voted to be the leader. You did well with your diary but you should make the first letters in the name upper case.


  2. the expression of your characters voice was outstanding. although I saw some grammar mistakes, your paragraph was well written. you made sure to talk about the main parts of chapter 1. Nice job :)


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